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Conversion of 5 Mile to Meter

5 mi is equivalent to 8046.7224894628 Meter

Conversions Table

Equivalent of 5 Mile:

8046722.4894628 Millimeter
804672.24894628 Centimeter
8046.7224894628 Meter
8.0467224894628 Kilometer
316800.2690824 Inch
26401.296487928 Foot
8803.1144034723 Yard
4.3452301443099 Nautical Mile

Mile / Meter Units Definition

Mile was a Roman route measurement, which was worth a thousand paces (1,481.5 m).International unit of measurement for distances in air or sea navigation corresponding to the distance between two points on Earth with the same longitude and whose latitudes differ by one minute. (The mile is conventionally worth 1,852 m, except in Commonwealth countries, where it is worth 1,853.18 m.) [It is also called a nautical mile or nautical mile.]In Canada, an old unit of measurement for distances, equivalent to the British mile (approximately 1,609 m).
The meter is the unit of measurement par excellence since the origin of this unit comes from the Latin "metrum" and the Greek "metron" which mean measure. It is also this unit which gives its name to the diplomatic treaty which formalizes the decimal metric system: the convention of the meter, signed on May 20, 1875 by 17 nations, which today provides its basis for the International System of Units (SI).