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Conversion of 1 Millimeter to Yard

1 mm is equivalent to 0.001094 Yard

Conversions Table

Equivalent of 1 Millimeter:

0.1 Centimeter
0.001 Meter
1.0E-6 Kilometer
0.0393701 Inch
0.003281 Foot
6.21371E-7 Mile
0.001094 Yard
5.4E-7 Nautical Mile

Millimeter / Yard Units Definition

The millimeter mm (thousandth of a meter, 10-3m). It is difficult to manipulate with your fingers an object smaller than 1mm. The micrometer or micron µm (thousandth of a mm, 10-6m): the thickness of soap bubbles, when they make pretty colors, is a few microns.
Yard is an Unit of measurement of length (British imperial system), still used in the United States, defined as exactly 0.9144 meters since 1959. The symbol: yd (international) or vg (in French-speaking Canada). Formerly called verge in France, particularly for measuring fabrics; the verge is still used today in Canada, mainly in the field of North American football