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Conversion of 8 Mile to Centimeter

8 mi is equivalent to 1287475.5983141 Centimeter

Conversions Table

Equivalent of 8 Mile:

12874755.983141 Millimeter
1287475.5983141 Centimeter
12874.755983141 Meter
12.874755983141 Kilometer
506880.43053184 Inch
42242.074380684 Foot
14084.983045556 Yard
6.9523682308959 Nautical Mile

Mile / Centimeter Units Definition

Mile was a Roman route measurement, which was worth a thousand paces (1,481.5 m).International unit of measurement for distances in air or sea navigation corresponding to the distance between two points on Earth with the same longitude and whose latitudes differ by one minute. (The mile is conventionally worth 1,852 m, except in Commonwealth countries, where it is worth 1,853.18 m.) [It is also called a nautical mile or nautical mile.]In Canada, an old unit of measurement for distances, equivalent to the British mile (approximately 1,609 m).
The centimeter is in common popular use: it allows to represent in a simple way dimensions of human size (less than the meter).In the scientific field, we prefer the meter (base unit of the International System) or the millimeter (widely used in mechanics) to represent lengths of these orders of magnitude.