Length units calculator & converter tool
Conversions Table
Equivalent of 10 Centimeter: |
100 Millimeter |
0.1 Meter |
0.0001 Kilometer |
3.93701 Inch |
0.3281 Foot |
6.21371E-5 Mile |
0.1094 Yard |
5.4E-5 Nautical Mile |
Centimeter / Meter Units Definition
The centimeter is in common popular use: it allows to represent in a simple way dimensions of human size (less than the meter).In the scientific field, we prefer the meter (base unit of the International System) or the millimeter (widely used in mechanics) to represent lengths of these orders of magnitude.
The meter is the unit of measurement par excellence since the origin of this unit comes from the Latin "metrum" and the Greek "metron" which mean measure. It is also this unit which gives its name to the diplomatic treaty which formalizes the decimal metric system: the convention of the meter, signed on May 20, 1875 by 17 nations, which today provides its basis for the International System of Units (SI).