Volume units calculator & converter tool
Quart Conversions Table
Equivalent of 18 Quart: |
0.019027484143763 Cubic centimeter |
19027.484143763 cubic meter |
671955.602537 Cubic foot |
86.500655391121 Gallons(UK) |
72.026863002114 Gallons(US) |
0.31180460042283 Cubic inch |
1.9027484143763 Liter |
14547.569365751 Cubic yard |
9 Pint |
4.5095137420719 Cup |
0.56271881606765 OZ US Fluid Ounce |
Quart / M3 Units Definition
a quarter, including a quarter of a liter, is worth 0.25 liters;a quarter, including a quarter of a bushel, an old measure of dry matter, is worth 3.174 liters.an imperial quart is a quarter of a gallon in the imperial system of units, or 1.1365225 l; it holds 2 imperial pints, or 40 fluid ounces;a US quart for measuring liquids is a quarter of a US gallon (liquids), or 0.946 352 946 l; it holds 2 US pints, or 32 US fluid ounces;
cubic meter
The cubic meter (symbol: m3) is the unit of measurement of volume of the International System. It represents, for example, the volume occupied by a cube with an edge of one meter1.