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Conversion of 5 Quart to Cubic centimeter

5 quart is equivalent to 0.0052854122621564 Cubic centimeter

Quart Conversions Table

Equivalent of 5 Quart:

0.0052854122621564 Cubic centimeter
5285.4122621564 cubic meter
186654.33403805 Cubic foot
24.027959830867 Gallons(UK)
20.007461945032 Gallons(US)
0.086612389006342 Cubic inch
0.52854122621564 Liter
4040.9914904863 Cubic yard
2.5 Pint
1.2526427061311 Cup
0.15631078224101 OZ US Fluid Ounce

Quart / Cm3 Units Definition

a quarter, including a quarter of a liter, is worth 0.25 liters;a quarter, including a quarter of a bushel, an old measure of dry matter, is worth 3.174 imperial quart is a quarter of a gallon in the imperial system of units, or 1.1365225 l; it holds 2 imperial pints, or 40 fluid ounces;a US quart for measuring liquids is a quarter of a US gallon (liquids), or 0.946 352 946 l; it holds 2 US pints, or 32 US fluid ounces;
Cubic centimeter
The cubic centimeter (symbol: cm3) is the unit of volume measurement of the CGS system (1 mL = 1 ml = 1 mℓ = 1 cm3, see liter symbols).A cubic centimeter is the volume occupied by a cube with a side of one centimeter (one milliliter).Likewise, the cubic decimeter (which represents the same volume as a liter) is the volume of a cube of one decimeter on the edge and the cubic meter that of a cube of one meter on the edge.

Area units conversion