Volume units calculator & converter tool
Pint Conversions Table
Equivalent of 16 Pint: |
0.033826638477801 Cubic centimeter |
33826.638477801 cubic meter |
1194587.7378436 Cubic foot |
153.77894291755 Gallons(UK) |
128.0477564482 Gallons(US) |
0.55431928964059 Cubic inch |
3.3826638477801 Liter |
25862.345539112 Cubic yard |
32 Quart |
8.0169133192389 Cup |
1.0003890063425 OZ US Fluid Ounce |
Pint / M3 Units Definition
A pint is a unit of volume measurement for liquids. The pint is subdivided into two pints.the pint of Paris is a unit prior to the metric system, which was worth 48 cubic inches of the King, or approximately 952.146 ml; the pint of Châlus (Haute-Vienne, France) contained 2,380 liters; the pint of Bar contained 1.07 liters1.
cubic meter
The cubic meter (symbol: m3) is the unit of measurement of volume of the International System. It represents, for example, the volume occupied by a cube with an edge of one meter1.