Volume units calculator & converter tool
Galus Conversions Table
Equivalent of 10 Gallons(US): |
0.0026417205124156 Cubic centimeter |
2641.7205124156 cubic meter |
93292.359895956 Cubic foot |
12.009499204287 Gallons(UK) |
0.043290043107067 Cubic inch |
0.26417205124156 Liter |
2019.742184985 Cubic yard |
2.4990676047451 Quart |
1.2495338023726 Pint |
0.62608776144249 Cup |
0.078126242434178 OZ US Fluid Ounce |
Galus / Liter Units Definition
The US gallon (US gal symbol) is defined as measuring 231 cubic inches of the American system of units, exactly 3,785,411,784 liters; it is divided into 128 US fluid ounces.
The liter is a unit of measurement for volume. The liter was defined from one kg of pure water. You can check!The recognized unit is L or l; both scripts are accepted.We mainly use the liter, deciliter, centiliter or milliliter.