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Conversion of 10 Gallons(US) to Liter

10 galus is equivalent to 0.26417205124156 Liter

Galus Conversions Table

Equivalent of 10 Gallons(US):

0.0026417205124156 Cubic centimeter
2641.7205124156 cubic meter
93292.359895956 Cubic foot
12.009499204287 Gallons(UK)
0.043290043107067 Cubic inch
0.26417205124156 Liter
2019.742184985 Cubic yard
2.4990676047451 Quart
1.2495338023726 Pint
0.62608776144249 Cup
0.078126242434178 OZ US Fluid Ounce

Galus / Liter Units Definition

The US gallon (US gal symbol) is defined as measuring 231 cubic inches of the American system of units, exactly 3,785,411,784 liters; it is divided into 128 US fluid ounces.
The liter is a unit of measurement for volume. The liter was defined from one kg of pure water. You can check!The recognized unit is L or l; both scripts are accepted.We mainly use the liter, deciliter, centiliter or milliliter.

Area units conversion