Time units calculator & converter tool
Month Conversions Table
Equivalent of 12 Month: |
3.1555880204529E+16 Nanosecond |
31555880204529 Microsecond |
31555880204.529 Millisecond |
31555880.204529 Second |
525931.33674215 Minute |
8765.5222790358 Hour |
365.23301680058 Day |
52.172388604821 Week |
0.99926953981008 Year |
0.0099996639883126 Century |
Month / Century Units Definition
A month corresponds to 1/12 of a year. A month is considered to correspond to approximately 4 weeks or 30 or 31 days. A day corresponds to the time it takes for the Earth to rotate on its axis, that is to say 24 hours.
A century is a period of one hundred years. The word comes from the Latin saeculum, which meant “race”, “generation”. He then indicated the duration of a human generation and it was 33 years 4 months. Very quickly, the century designated a duration of 100 years.